This vitiligo care cream helps minimize and masquerade uneven discoloration on the skin.
With continuous use, it can progressively restore the skin's constitutive color and make it look evenly colored.
At the same time, this vitiligo cream offers sun protection essential for vitiligo and hypopigmentary.
Vitiligo cream is made of plant herbal essence, which is natural and non-irritating.
How to Use: 1. Please clean your skin before use. 2. Apply this product to the skin, and massage gently to promote absorption, twice or three times a day. 3. Use for at least 3 to 6 months.
مرهم البهاق، علاج البهاق للبشرة، كريم العناية بالبهاق يقلل من البقع البيضاء ويحسن تصبغ الجلد (20غ)