Essential oils are vital in your skincare regime as it prevents sun damage in skin and protects it from potential sun damage and other skin issues.
Inveda ylang ylang essential oil is natural skin healer and has anti-inflammatory properties that gives clear skin and reduces skin issues for giving spotless glowing skin.
With ylang ylang tree oil extracts, this essential oil be mixed with carrier oil or used for aromatherapy as they come into concentrated form to deliver solution-driven results.
Providing virtues such as reducing redness and itchiness on skin & healing scars, this ylang ylang oil for hair gives numerous benefits as skin nourishing and healing agent.
زيت اليلانغ يلانغ العطري لعلاج ندبات حب الشباب والتصبغ مصنوع من زيت اليلانغ يلانغ النقي الذي يمنح بشرة صافية وخالية من العيوب 10 مل