This unique toddler tricycle gives them multiple options to learn and play, including parent push mode with long parent push rods or traditional bike mode.
This tricycle can grow with your child from 6 months to 6 years, making it a great investment in your child's childhood. Our 5-in-1 tricycle will become one of your child's best childhood memories.
Woven basket at the front of the vehicle to store baby essentials like snacks, toys, diapers and more, giving your child peace of mind for all those outdoor adventures.
The tricycle is equipped with a canopy that can be adjusted at different angles, creating a comfortable environment for children that is not exposed to strong sunlight.
Parents can easily use the push handle to control the direction and speed of this tricycle when the child cannot walk independently.
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5 in 1 Foldable and Portable Tricycle Baby Stroller