Tricycle push mode, balance push mode, tricycle mode, balance mode and bike mode. The tricycle is suitable for boys and girls from 1, 2 and 3 years old.
Power steering steering handlebar: rotates 135 degrees to control the speed, direction and steering of the tricycle. Protects your child from falling and injury. It can also be adjusted according to the height of the parents so that the father and mother can accompany your child to practice with your child.
Adjustable handlebar, seat and pedals: press the red button to adjust the handlebar and seat. There are 3 modes for setting the pedals when turning different modes.
Carbon steel frame and Eva wheels: EN188 and certified by the American Society for materials testing. Made of high-quality carbon steel, hard shock-absorbing EVA wheels and an environmentally friendly polypropylene seat. Long-lasting life, durable and stylish design.
Ease of access to use: much easier to assemble the handlebars and wheels. Press the buttons to switch them to different modes. Suitable for children 1-3 years old