Washable and Reusable Refills for Professional Floor Cleaners Are Rewashable In Sink Or Clothes Washer For Loads of Steaming.
【Great value】Compatible With Same for Shark Mopping Spray, Velcro Carpet Glider And Handle
【All purpose cloths】Compatible With Order for Shark Rectangle Pad Parts P119W, P129W, P139W, P157W, P102W, P102C. These Pro Scrub Replacements Will Fit Your Steamer Heads And Accessories
【Floors love them】These Double Sided Scrubbing Pads Are The Solution For Tidy, Deep Cleaning, and Tidying Hard Floors Including Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl Wood, Tile, Concrete. Lift Away Stains While Keeping Floors Protected
【Promote the steam mop work】Sandwich mesh lining allows the steam to release easily. Strong water absorption, dry fast, effective remove tough and sticker messes, trap & lock pet hair