A luxurious prayer rug of the finest types of carpets, added to it two boxes of luxurious musk, presented inside an elegant box, with Islamic details suitable for gifting
The number of knots is one million and 300 thousand knots
Pile height 6 mm
The size is 110 cm long / 70 cm wide
The box contains delicate details such as the interior design inspired by the inscription of the Holy Quran in an elegant Islamic style
A quarter tola of the distinctive and refreshing rose musk scent
It is composed of rose extracts, flowers and French perfumes
Made of silky fabric filled with foam for a comfortable feeling during prayer. Easy to fold and carry anywhere
Product Weight
750 g
Product Length
110 cm
Product Height
6 mm
Product Width
70 cm
A box of luxuriously decorated wool prayer rug with two perfume bottles