Multi Coating Technique Ensures for prolonged usage
Workmanship is exquisite that makes it easy to carry
Stylish appearance and solid construction will keep your instrument against scratches and dirt
Stringed instrument, any musical instrument that produces sound by the vibration of stretched strings,
Stringed instruments seem to have spread rapidly from one society to another across the length and breadth of Eurasia by means of great population shifts, invasions and counterinvasions, trade, and, presumably, sheer cultural curiosity
The ear, because of its own structure, adds to and subtracts from the outside sound. It is, for instance, relatively insensitive to low-frequency sound pressure but is extremely sensitive to fine degrees of pitch change
Though constructional methods differ widely from one area and instrument to another, there are a limited number of basic problems to be overcome by the maker of stringed instrument
The very principle that makes it possible for chordophones to sound is string tension