Editorial Review | "An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love is a genuine love story and a moving reminder that in the midst of our busyness, our lives revolve around a few irreplaceable human beings. Reading these poignant pages made me stop in my tracks, hug my husband, call my daughter, and pet my cat." -- Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life
"Richard and Kristine Carlson write with such vulnerability, clarity, compassion, and depth that it touched every fiber of our hearts. This awesome book will ignite the spiritual core in all that are fortunate enough to choose to read and bathe in it." -- Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., and Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D., authors of Finding Our Way Home
"When our true love departs, there is an absence left in their wake not unlike the circles expanding from a mountain pulled from the sea. But love never dies, and can even grow on either side of the river." -- Stephen Levine, author of A Year to Live
"Richard Carlson, so beloved to many of us, writes to his own true love from a place somewhere between life and death. The love with which he writes to her, and the love with which she answers, provide a teaching for all of us: on life, on death, and on the existence of a spirit that transcends them both." -- Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love and The Age of Miracles
"Together Richard and Kris Carlson have given us the gift of eternal love, the secret to sharing it and keeping it alive." -- Joe Bailey, author of Fearproof Your Life and Slowing Down to the Speed of Life (co-author, Richard Carlson) |