About the Author | Kei Nishida, PMP is a writer, a Japanese Green Tea enthusiast, and the founder and CEO of JapaneseGreenTeaIn. With four books behind him and more on the way, this entertaining author brings his passion for Green Tea wherever he goes. Kei's love of Green Tea and passion for writing has helped make him a feature author on sites and Magazines such as Fresh Cup Magazine, Yoga Digest Magazine and T-Ching. His enthusiasm for health and tea pushed him to developing his company, JapaneseGreenTeaIn, where he brings the very best in Japanese Green Tea to customers all over the world. Kei grew up in Japan and moved to USA at the age of 14, now living in Portland, Oregon. In his earlier carrier, he was Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Inc. Kei takes advantage of being bi-lingual in Japanese and English, as well as his science background for his research and writing. Information you find in his books and blogs are a combination of the best content and research from Japan and all around the world. |