About the Author | Allan C. Ornstein is a professor of education at St. John's University. He is a former Fulbright Hayes Scholar and has been a consultant for more than 60 different government and education agencies, including the American Federation of Teachers,the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and the Educational Testing Service. Dr. Ornstein has published more than 400 articles and 55 books, recently including Contemporary Issues in Curriculum, Fifth Edition; Class Counts:Education, Inequality, and the Shrinking Middle Class; Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices, Fifth Edition; and Foundations of Education, Tenth Edition. Dr. Ornstein's philosophical, social, and economic views are best represented by his recent books, Class Counts and Wealth vs Work: How 1% Victimize 99%, both written as trade books. Francis P. Hunkins was a professor of education specializing in general curriculum, curriculum development, curriculum issues, and curriculum theory in the College of Education at the University of Washington for 35 years. Since retiring, Dr. Hunkins has remained active in writing educational textbooks. As a past president, he also remains active in the Association for Teaching and Curriculum. During his tenure at the University of Washington, Dr. Hunkins served as chairperson of the area of curriculum and instruction (1995-2000). He also consulted widely with school systems around the country. He was a visiting scholar at Monash University in Australia twice and was also a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 1999. Over his career, he has written 21 educational textbooks and numerous articles for educational journals. He makes his home with his wife, Dr. Patricia A. Hammill, in the Seattle area. |