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Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 2

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ISBN 139780721713779
AuthorSchofield & Sims
Book FormatPaperback
Book DescriptionSchofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme that supports a mastery approach to teaching and learning this tricky area of maths. Comprising six pupil books and six accompanying teacher's guides, this structured series helps children to develop a deep, secure and adaptable understanding of fractions, building up to decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion. Each pupil book contains varied activities, suitable for use either in class or at home, that directly correspond to the lessons provided in the supporting teacher's guide. Each unit is set across a double-page spread containing a summary of the key learning point, followed by targeted practice questions, ranging from simple 'Get started' questions that help children gain confidence to more complex 'Now you try' and 'Challenge' questions that develop conceptual understanding and mathematical reasoning skills. Regular 'Check-up tests' and a 'Final test' reinforce learning and help to identify strengths and weaknesses.Additional features provided at the back of the book include a self-evaluation checklist to encourage children to assess their own learning and a glossary to support the confident use of mathematical vocabulary. Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 2 supports the National Curriculum requirements for Year 2 and covers the following topic areas: finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes, sets, lengths and numbers; writing simple fraction notation; counting in fractions; understanding that fractions join to make wholes; making 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 turns; recognising the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4; and problem solving. A separate accompanying teacher's guide, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 2 Teacher's Guide (ISBN 9780721713786), contains lesson plans, answers to all the questions in the pupil book, and assessment and record-keeping resources. A selection of free downloads is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Publication Date5/18/2017
Number of Pages36

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 2

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