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Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management Paperback English by R. Wayne Dean Mondy - 10-Jun-15

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PublisherPearson Education Limited
ISBN 139781292153988
ISBN 101292094370
AuthorR. Wayne Dean Mondy, Joseph J. Martocchio
Book FormatPaperback
Book DescriptionHuman Resource Management addresses the study of HR in a realistic, practical, and stimulating manner. Examples of how HR management is practiced in the real world and the relationship between various HR topics are interwoven throughout the text, giving students a thorough introduction to the field based on sound theoretical concepts and practice. The Fourteenth Edition reveals HR's strategic importance to management and the overall health of an organization. The text also addresses the ongoing shrinkage of internal HR departments as many companies shift towards HR outsourcing, HR shared service centers, and professional employer organizations. Students should walk away with an appreciation for how the HR profession continues to shed its administrative image and while focusing on mission-oriented activities. MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.
Edition Number14
Publication Date10-Jun-15
Number of Pages432

Fundamentals Of Human Resource Management Paperback English by R. Wayne Dean Mondy - 10-Jun-15

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