Barcode number: 8698811278699 ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS HAVE THE SİLİMO BRAND AND A SEPARATE SERIAL NUMBER FOR EACH OF THE PRODUCTS AND IT IS WRITTEN UNDER THE PRODUCT. Products without serial numbers and without our brand do not belong to us. Silimo Gold pan is a gold sifting and separation pan. AVAILABLE IN RED - GREEN - BLACK AND BLUE COLORS. It is used as gold exploration and separation pan in land, sea, river, stream and stream beds. Silimo Gold Pan is produced in our own factory from high quality materials. It is resistant to ultraviolet UV rays. It has a diameter of 36.50 cm, a height of 7.5 cm and a thickness of 2.5 mm.
It has 21 pieces of 2 mm gold catcher fine teeth and is 25.5 cm long. 7 pieces of 5 mm gold catching medium teeth and 22 cm long. 1 large 10 mm - 3 pieces of 5 mm medium teeth and 5 pieces of 2 mm fine teeth. 26 cm long. A specially designed set of 3 is available to catch all kinds of gold and minerals. 18cm pool width is available. There is a hanging hole to hang it on the wall. Comfortable use is aimed with its comfortable grip feature, 360-degree usage feature with an edge that does not cut the hands, and a fast and safe screening system. No effects such as bending, shrinkage or deformation were observed on the product that was heat applied for three days at 45-50 C.
100% domestic production, PRODUCED WITH THE SİLİMO BRAND