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Guide To The Collision Avoidance Rules hardcover english - 40735.0

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PublisherElsevier Science And Technology
ISBN 139780750661799
Book DescriptionA Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules is the essential reference to the safe operation of all vessels at sea. Published continuously since 1965, this respected and expert guide is the classic text for all who need to, practically and legally, understand and comply with the Rules. This sixth edition incorporates all of the amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea which came into force in November 2003. The books sets out all of the Rules with clear explanation of their meaning, and gives detailed examples of how the rules have been used in practice by seafarers, as well as excerpts from Court judgements to illustrate how they have been interpreted in practice.
Editorial ReviewThis little book does a good job of qualifying the Rules... It is essential reading for anyone who goes to sea for business or pleasure or war. Fishing Boat World
About the AuthorMarine consultant and collision regulations expert, UK. Former International Maritime Organization (IMO) collision regulations committee member. Jan Lameijer has been actively engaged in matters related to COLREGS and Ships' Routeing as an advisor to the Netherlands Administration from 1969 until 2010.As a representative of the Netherlands Administration Jan has been active for about 35 years in working groups of the Sub-Committee of Safety of Navigation, concerning COLREGS and Ships' Routeing. For more than 10 years Jan acted as chairman of NAV-subcommittee working group on ships routeing.In recognition contributions to navigation, The Council of the Royal Institute of Navigation awarded Jan the Institutes Gold Medal for the year 2004.
AuthorCaptain A. N. Cockcroft, J. N. F. Lameijer
Publication Date40735.0
Number of Pages260

Guide To The Collision Avoidance Rules hardcover english - 40735.0

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