About the Author | Anne McGill-Franzen is Professor and Director of the Reading Center at the University of Tennessee. She was recipient of the International Reading Association Nila Banton Smith Award, co-recipient (with Dr. Richard L. Allington) of the IRA Albert J. Harris Award for research published in the field of reading disabilities, and the 2004 recipient of the IRA Dina Feitelson Award honoring an empirical study of language and literacy acquisition with clear implications for instruction. Dr. McGill-Franzen was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Reading Conference, serves on the editorial advisory boards of several major journals and was Technical Consultant for the UNESCO funded project on diagnostic teaching of reading in Kenya, Ghana, and Tanzania.Richard L. Allington is Professor of Education at the University of Tennessee. He has served or serves on the editorial advisory boards of Reading Research Quarterly, Review of Educational Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, Reading Teacher, Elementary School Journal, Journal of Literacy Research, and Remedial and Special Education. A past president of the National Reading Conference and the International Reading Association, he was co-recipient (with Dr. Anne McGill-Franzen) of the Albert J. Harris Award for contributions to improving professional understanding of reading/learning disabilities, and was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame. |