Book Description | If time is money, then memory is the bank and Harry Lorayne will show you how to make every minute count, dramatically increasing performance, productivity, and profits.-- Enhance your powers of concentration and observation.-- Double or even triple your daily work output, eliminate careless errors, quickly skim and retain business reports, news articles, and technical data.-- Breeze through exams, improve your grades and classroom performance, reduce your homework time, and increase your free time.-- Give speeches without notes and without anxiety, learn foreign languages more easily, excel at poker, bridge, and other games.-- Heighten your mental agility, learning power, and conversational skills.-- Discover the newfound authority, confidence, and pleasure that come from a quick, sharp, active mind.Whatever your lifestyle or walk of life, begin your countdown to success today, and put a world of knowledge and know-how at your fingertips |