Book Description | What's more irresistible than a pink tutu? Dancing in a pink tutu, of course, and inviting friends to join you!* "A rollicking tutu lovefest." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "Irresistible... Wacky and wonderful." -- School Library Journal, starred reviewIn this jubilant rhyming romp, a penguin, a bear, a toucan, and even a gnu (who knew?) are all wearing their tutus today. As a parade of other curious critters join the fun -- I know a ewe with a new tutu. You do? I do. Woo-hoo! -- the number of tutus grows, until they reach 10 tutus. Then it's time to dance!Abundant alliteration and rollicking rhythms will have little ones laughing and dancing till they drop -- and joyfully learning to count along the way. |