Hypoallergenic Sun Care Solution For Heated Skin: Entire products of Cicadin Line went through skin irritation tests.
Contains 38% of centella asiatica instead of water, soothes and cools skin at the same time: Soothes heated skin without extra soothing gel.
“Jumbo Cushion” that can be used on broad areas: It’s a big size cushion that can cover face & body in a short period of time.
Inorganic sun screen that works mildly on skin: Hypoallergenic sun lotion that contains UV-filter that can help the product to work mildly on skin.
Forms a fair skin along with the natural combination of green and white: Green calamine and green sub base that contains guailazulene’s soothing essence expresses a naturally brightened skin tone along with white sun base. It also soothes sensitive skin while brightens up the tone.
Product Weight
25 oz
25 ml
Target Skin Type
All Skin Types
UV Protection
High SPF
Model Number
Model Name
Korean Cicadin Rescue Mega Sun Protection Cushion Spf 50+/Pa++++ 25ml