Editorial Review | The inclusion of the lists of chemical and botanical terms as well as the diagrams of the plant shapes makes the book more accessible to non-specialists as well as helping those who are specialist in one area and need guidance in another. (Reference Review, 1 October 2010) "The third edition of Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients is a classic work presenting comprehensive information for each of the natural ingredients used in the food and cosmetic industries." (Making Scents, Summer/Fall 2010) "The main section of this book is an A-Z listing of different natural ingredients used in food, drugs and cosmetics. Each entry is listed by its common name, although the scientific names are given in the text and indexed to aid finding the one you want. Each entry gives information about where the ingredient comes from, a description, its chemical composition and pharmacological." (Philosophy & Religion, November 2010) "Thus, this reference is of great utility not only to chemical professionals, but also to consumers who desire to become better informed about newly popular natural supplements." (Choice, October 2010)."This reference is of great utility not only to chemical professionals, but also to consumers who desire to become better informed about newly popular natural supplements." (Choice, October 2010) |