Book Description | In this second edition of Liquid Crystal Displays, ErnstLueder provides a timely update to his successful text. His uniquecombination of theory and practice presents all the informationrequired for the development and manufacture of modern highperformance and energy saving LCDs. The author also strives for aneasy to understand description of complex facts.
The second edition focuses on a variety of liquid crystal cellsand their electronic addressing, and outlines new developmentsincluding: * High performance VA cells, especially for TV, due to twosubpixels with excellent -correction also at obliqueviewing * Short optical response times in the range of 1 ms also forinter-gray transitions due to novel addressing waveforms * Fringe field switching for acceleration of rise and decay ofluminance eliminating frame memories * Reduction of motion blur by scanning backlights, high frequencyframes, edge enhancement and motion blur modeling * Very thin LCDs with power saving LED backlights exhibitingunmatched color purity and larger than NTSC color gamut * Printed layers on hydrophobic and hydrophilic areas replacingphotolithography Practicing electrical engineers, physicists, chemists anddisplay specialists will find this a valuable resource. Researcherswill appreciate the practical guidance given for the design ofimproved LCDs, whilst students are provided with a useful overviewof the field.
The Society for Information Display (SID) is an internationalsociety, which has the aim of encouraging the development of allaspects of the field of information display. Complementary to theaims of the society, the Wiley-SID series is intended to explainthe latest developments in information display technology at aprofessional level. The broad scope of the series addresses allfacets of information displays from technical aspects throughsystems and prototypes to standards and ergonomics |