About the Author | Garner Thomson, NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, and founder and training director of the Society of Medical NLP, is the creator of the Medical NLP programme taught to doctors, allied health professionals and medical students since 1996. Trained in NLP by Dr Richard Bandler, and with a background in psychology, communications, Ericksonian hypnotherapy and trans-cultural and integrative healthcare approaches, he also runs a busy Medical NLP and Hypnotherapy practice, writes and lectures widely and appears on radio and television, both as presenter and guest. Dr Khalid Khan is a primary care physician and registered pharmacist. A GP trainer, tutor at King's College London School of Medicine and St George's University of London, he also practises as a medical acupuncturist, is a Fellow of the Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR) and is an advisor to the International Journal of Acupuncture. Author of the popular Mnemonics for Medical Students and a Master Practitioner in both NLP and Medical NLP, Dr Khan is co-founder and primary care advisor to the Society of Medical NLP. |