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MCQs in Travel and Tropical Medicine: 3rd edition

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PublisheriUniverse; 3rd ed. edition
ISBN 139781440123214
ISBN 101440123217
AuthorDom Colbert
Book DescriptionThis third edition is expanded, revised and largely re-written. However the aim remains the same and it is hoped that anyone involved in Travel or Tropical Medicine will find the contents interesting, stimulating and helpful. As before it is divided into easy-to-read sections with clear answers that sometimes encapsulate whole diseases. The four-part question format is retained in order to aid those intending to take Certificate or other exams in Travel Medicine. The correct answer to each question is that which is generally accepted as the best one. Nonetheless the reader may quibble with some answers and the author is always happy to accept sound advice and change accordingly. Travel Medicine has a broad canvas. It cuts across the boundaries of Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Tropical Medicine, Geographical Medicine, Aviation and Refugee Medicine. Because of this the few Textbooks we have Travel Medicine are large and difficult to digest. This little book attempts to set down in concise form the essential elements of Travel Medicine in a way that is easy to read yet challenging. These pages certainly invite the reader to share in excitement and wonder of this fascinating subject.
Publication Date8 April 2009
Number of Pages220 pages

MCQs in Travel and Tropical Medicine: 3rd edition

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