Our gorgeous crochet basket made even more beautiful with little blue flowers in a row. It’s so versatile you can use it as a swanky organizer to keep everything within reach, place it on a shelf as a chic display or make gifting extra special by f
100% cotton basket designed with a row of little blue flowers.
Sturdy. Size: 27cmx15cm.
Multi-purpose and practical.
Use as storage and organizer (for your makeup collection, toiletries, crafting tools, towel rolls, etc.).
Ideal as a refreshing accent to a stylish interior (kitchen, dining area, nursery, etc.).
Perfect as container for your floral arrangements or for making your own gift hamper, including baby showers, weddings, engagements, etc.
Ideal for home decoration and gifting or as Easter basket for kids.
Colour: White and blue.
Multipurpose Storage Cotton White and Blue Basket 27x15cm