?Natural Herbal Essence?Refined from natural herbal essence of the new generation of skin cream preparation for external use traditional chinese ointment, mild and not irritating,it smells fragrant and easy to be absorbed.
?Relieve Discomfort?Soothes, cleanses and cools inflamed areas for long-lasting comfort.
?Prevents Hemorrhoids and Fissures?All external microbial agents prevent contact with hemorrhoidal tissue, so that damaged tissue protected from infectivity can recover
?Easy and Effective?Apply right amount of this product to affected skin area, 2-3 times a day, in order to prevent recurrence, this herbal cream can be used again 1-2 weeks after symptoms disappear.
Natural Herbal Hemorrhoids Spray - External and Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment with 100% Natural Herbal Extracts Formula(3pcs)