No Pedal Balance Bicycle for Kids 2 to 7 Years, Ultra Light Toddler Training Bike Includes Adjustable Padded Seat, Grips & Flat-Free Tires for Easy Learning
Featherweight Frame: The balance bike is made of aviation-grade magnesium alloy material. The whole bike weighs only 3.1kg. It is scientifically designed to allow your child to easily guide, push and drive the bike when learning to ride.
Seat Adjustment: With an adjustable seat height ranging from 30 to 39cm, this bike allows your toddler to comfortably straddle it from a very young age.
Ultra-low center of gravity design: The seat is only 30cm from the ground, so children can easily touch the ground with their feet, greatly reducing fear and increasing self-confidence without fear of falling.
Handlebar adjustable: installing the limiter only supports 140° steering, effectively preventing rollover and sharp turns; removing the limiter allows the handlebar to achieve 360° free steering.
15° scientifically designed footrest: more in line with the professional angle of children's sliding sports. When cornering, the feet can be retracted without scratching the ground. The body is more stable and the sliding is faster.
Effortless Assembly: Setting up the baby balance bike is a breeze and requires just a few minutes of your time. You won't need any complex or specialized tools.
Colour Name
Kids Unisex
Model Number
No Pedal Balance Bicycle for Kids 2 to 7 Years, Ultra Light Toddler Training Bike Includes Adjustable Padded Seat, Grips & Flat-Free Tires for Easy Learning