The Flower Bouquet building kit makes a unique gift and mindful project, creating a beautiful flower display model.The flower bouquet building kit is the great decoration for home or beverage shop. Improve the home or working atmosphere.
Realistic flowers have lively colors and interesting shapes to create unexpected effects, which will definitely make people look pleasing to the eye.
Building is a wonderful activity together with family or friends. This building flower will promote your child's hand-eye coordination, divergent thinking, problem-solving skills, inspires creativity and brain development.
Every detail of the bouquet is composed of small building blocks. The bouquet can be customized to create a unique display. Realistic flowers have lively colors and interesting shapes to create unexpected effect.
Bouquet building kit contains 547 easy-to-install pieces. We provide detailed instructions, children or adults can follow the steps to assemble step by step. For big kids ages 12-14. And adults who love flowers.
Pink Rose Building Blocks Adult Creative Building Blocks Project Unique DIY Bouquet Building Blocks Set Gift