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Success Unacknowledged? Make Ambiguity Reveal: Making reality obvious while adjusting the mock

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PublisherIndependently Published; Standard Edition
ISBN 139781081544584
ISBN 101081544589
AuthorSathish Kumar Mahalingam
Book DescriptionWhen we work hard expecting results, it is intelligent for us to know that rewards are contingent to acknowledgment and agreeableness by the senior authority of higher discretionary power and powers, control and accessibilities. The game of supremacy and control over the flow of sequences, intended forecast of events and hence outcomes maybe then and there or meticulously planned and executed. Advertently or inadvertently follow up activities may have been started and allowed to go on about for some time and in timely vulnerable, susceptible or reward worthy situations one is faced or has dealt with. The need for magnanimity and big boy attitude to retain the final say is most probable and can be self-evident. Of course, the big boys naturally have a hold on authority and to authority. Their bigger compulsion can come from need to prestige, retaining superiority and magnanimity. They want small boys not to challenge and question their discretion but to work, follow, and abide by their directions. They want to hold their say as the ultimate inference. Their consideration and understanding are to delegate comparatively smaller, less significant, non-superseding and not so important layout methods and form on and to you and for you to deserve merit and qualifications for later positions of authority. From the positions well entrenched, harbored securely and of course, well deserved, they are in a better position to influence, experiment, conclude and seal your destiny or fate. Of course, you may be carrying with you something unusual to be tracked on. After all the preliminary investigations, background checks they could have found that there is no reason for you to be deemed malevolent or trespassing them in act, behavior or preparation. To subdue the small, little and comparatively insignificant has the reason to make junior hierarchy fall in place, order, control, and compliance. But some people have no compulsions, need to follow directions, show themselves up, turn up at stipulated times of appointment, appropriately or formally answerable to them or comply by to, but worthy and significant intrinsically to be let to move about freely, having own discretions, personal purposes and reasons to act and behave their own way, being at the same time noteworthy to matter, taken note of and get to be learnt about. After all, there is some need, duty, purpose, and responsibility to deliver outside of personal responsibilities.
Publication Date20 July 2019
Number of Pages204 pages

Success Unacknowledged? Make Ambiguity Reveal: Making reality obvious while adjusting the mock

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