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The Ludotronics Game Design Methodology: From First Ideas to Spectacular Pitches and Proposals

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PublisherCRC Press
ISBN 139781032368702
ISBN 101032368705
AuthorJ. Martin
Book FormatPaperback
Book DescriptionThis book supports readers to transition to more advanced independent game projects by deepening their understanding of the concept development process. It covers how to make concepts sufficiently viable, ambitious, and innovative to warrant the creation of a polished prototype in preparation of a publisher pitch.The book is divided into six sections. After a brief tutorial (Preliminary Phase), readers embark on a journey along the book’s methodology. They travel through successive conceptual phases (Preparations, Procedures, Processes, and Propositions); advance through levels and action beats in each of these phases; master challenges (conceptual tasks) and overcome level bosses (design decisions) that become successively harder; collect items (fulfilled documentation tasks); and “win” the game by having progressed from a raw, initial idea to a full-fledged, polished game treatment. Additional resources for the book are available at ludotronics.net.This book is designed to support junior and senior year BA or MA students in game design programs, as well as novice indie developers and those in the early stages of their game design career.
About the AuthorJ. Martin is Professor of Game Design at the Mediadesign University for Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Publication Date24 August 2023
Number of Pages264 pages

The Ludotronics Game Design Methodology: From First Ideas to Spectacular Pitches and Proposals

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