Book Description | This book brings together the work of those implementing, using, or researching the Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) in higher education contexts. Book chapters detail how various institutions of higher education (IHEs) are leveraging state’s SoBL policies and the Global SoBL to promote biliteracy within and across communities. In all 50 United States, high-school graduates can earn a state SoBL, which is noted on the high school transcript to certify the ability to read, write, speak, and listen in more than one language. An increasing number of IHEs recognize the, and evidence suggests that such policies can serve as a recruitment tool, boost enrollment in modern language departments, and facilitate placement into modern language coursework. This book provides examples of how IHEs can implement the state SoBL, the Global SoBL, or their own recognition to recognize students’ multilingualism, boost enrollment, enhance practice, and nurture biliteracy in their communities. The research-based examples in each chapter provide robust examples of how IHEs can leverage the SoBL to increase equity and access to higher education for multilingual students.This book targets educators, leaders, policymakers, and researchers interested in collaborating to enhance multilingualism in their communities. Whether working in K-12 schools or IHEs, readers can learn about potential avenues to expand pipelines, partnerships, and possibilities for learners to receive and reap the benefits of the SoBL. |