Baby helmet designed to add an extra layer of protection to the fontanelles and the back of the head while the baby is learning to crawl or walk.
The three bumps on the top of the head play a cushioning role to reduce the damage to the head
Our baby helmets 1-2 years and the head circumference of 15.7-18.9 inches. The back of the hat has elastic band to adjust the size. Please make your purchase after making sure the size is right for your baby's head
The toddler safety helmet made of PE and Polyester fabric,the fill-in layer is high density and elastic sponge,has shock resistance,which can effectively prevent infant injuries.
Helmet raised on both sides, 26 vents that will keep the baby’s head cool,not stuffy
Model Number
Model Name
Baby Helmet for Crawing Walking,Soft Infant Safety Helmet,Baby Helmet 1-2 Years for Anti-Fall Head Protector