It is the best birthday gift for children to learn and exercise. An excellent indoor and outdoor toddler balance bike develops child's balance ability, pedal scooter helping child gain balance, steering, coordination and confidence from an early age.
Our kids 4 wheeler adopts 3cm thickened anti-skid pedals for babies to be firm and non-slip when playing. Encrypted screw fixation increases pedal bearing capacity, reinforced and durable, and ergonomic handrails are easy for kids to control.
The fully widened rubber wheels of the baby walking toy have a low center of gravity and a rotating shaft design that is easy to step. Kids get off the bike easily.
Kids can easily control this baby walker by themselves, providing the most fun and relaxing riding experience.Equipped with protective armrests, you can control the balance and prevent your child from falling.
Our toddler bikes are equipped with high-quality large-size tires, with strong grip and good shock absorption, which are very suitable for all kinds of ground. Works well on sidewalks, playgrounds, lawns or trails.
Kids Balance Pedal Bike,Training Vehicle, Boost Self Confidence Balancing Exercise Scooter, Non-Slip Sensory Training Equipment, Exercise Toys for Children Aged 3-12