It is also very convenient to use, and the gas stove at home can heat this coffee maker. Or any other open flame. Even in the outdoors, you can use a convenient gas stove to heat, or alcohol lamps to make coffee.
This is a very useful coffee maker. A coffee pot can complete the extraction of coffee. There is no need for a separate coffee heating pot. Save money and save the place.
High pressure extraction.Mellow coffee fat.Taste enjoyment
You can also use this coffee maker to heat hot water when you are traveling outdoors.
كمية العبوة
Pack of 1
ماكينة صنع القهوة وعاء موكا من الألومنيوم غلاية قهوة كافيتريا إسبريسو ماكينة صنع القهوة على الموقد