Prepare yourself for a devastating blast of nose torture like nothing you've ever smelled before. Our new formulation creates a noxious sewer stench that even our experts find unbearable.
With just a few sprays, our stink spray can clear a room in less than a minute. During testing, the odor engulfed an entire building, creating a hilarious and chaotic atmosphere in any situation.
Although our spray smells like the most extreme prank potion in the world, it's completely worry free and non-flammable. Please use caution as the mind-blowingly strong stench can still cause discomfort.
If you love to have fun with pranks, this is the product for you. But be warned - the stench in this bottle is so strong that even your own soul may be at risk. Use responsibly and keep away from sensitive noses!
We're confident that our stink spray is the strongest ever made. With just a few sprays your friends will experience the smell hilariously, eye-wateringly, and throat-gaggingly awful.
الفئة العمرية المستهدفة
14+ Years
بخاخ جاجستر ذو الرائحة الكريهة، بخاخ سائل قوي للغاية للمقالب المضحكة، تركيبة غير سامة ذات رائحة كريهة قوية، مثالية للأطفال والكبار، يسهل إخفاؤها في زجاجة لمحبي المقالب