All glucose syrups They are hydrolysis products obtained from starch. These products contain nutrients such as glucose and other high molecular weight molecules. A mixture of dextrins and saccharides. which is clear, colorless and viscous. They are nutritional groups in structure.
Glucose syrup is normally less sweet than sugar, but it is used in some foods in the food industry. technological advantagesı There is. It affects many characteristics of foods and provides the desired results to the producer. or to reach the targeted sensory quality and shelf life. These are original products that provide
Glucose şsyrupsı It is examined in 6 categories:
G37 Glucose syrup (DE'37)
G40 Glucose syrup (DE'40)
G58 Glucose syrup (DE'60)
G95 Glucose syrup (DE min 97)
M50 High Maltose syrup
M38 Maltose syrup
DE and Carbohydrate Composition
Carbohydrate composition of glucose syrup "Degree of Polymerization" It is expressed with the term (DP). The degree of polymerization is the number of glucose units of the syrup (DP 1 = dextrose, DP 2 = maltose, DP 3 = maltotriose).
The carbohydrate or sugar composition of glucose syrups depends on the production method and the dextrose equivalent (DE) of the syrup. It kills. For example, produced by acid enzyme hydrolysis. While the maltose content of the glucose syrup with 42 DE is high, it is the same. Produced by acid hydrolysis with DE The dextrose (glucose) content of glucose syrup may be higher.
However, the enzyme produced by hydrolysis method. sameı Glucose syrup with a DE value (DE 42) may have a higher maltose content.
Therefore the same The two compounds with different DE values are different. May have carbohydrate composition. For this reason, the DE value alone is undoubtedly not sufficient when determining the suitability of glucose syrups for the desired purpose. There should also be information about the carbohydrate composition of the syrup.
Conversion degree of starch is "Dextrose Equivalence (DE)". It is measured by the term. This term is the number of grams of anhydride D glucose in every 100 g of dry matter of glucose syrup. It is the sum of the reducing sugars expressed as . The degree of hydrolysis of starch determines the composition of the final product. Complete hydrolysis of starch; As a result, dextrose is formed.
Glucose syrup depends on the DE value. as low or high molecular weight. Contains glucose polymers. What gives glucose syrup its properties is the percentage of each saccharide it contains, or in other words, its carbohydrate composition. 305; It is a guide to distinguish them from each other. However, industrially, products can be classified according to their DE degree and 2095 DE can be classified according to They can be produced among them. However, DE value alone is not sufficient to determine the properties of glucose solutions.
Carbohydrate composition is different. is the sameı Syrups with DE values can also be produced.
Production Method
In the production process of glucose solutions, starch is treated with heat treatment, with the help of enzymes. It is liquefied and broken down into its saccharides. Starch liquid containing saccharides filtration, carbon treatment and ion exchange columnsı It is purified by processes such as and concentrated into the targeted dry matter.
Uses' Areas
Glucose şsyrupsı It is included in many food formulations. Uses with sucrose in the food industry their creations It provides quality improving advantages with a synergistic effect. Glucose şsyrupsı It is one of the important raw materials used in confectionery. The reasons for this are; crystallization control, viscosity, moisture balance, color formation and sweetness.
Glucose syrups, confectionery, biscuits and bakery products, processed products In most applications of ready-made foods, jam, halva, ice cream, beverages and desserts is used.
Differentı in different applications It shows functional features.
Sweetness rate, freezing/boiling point, osmotic pressure, viscosity, crystallization, hydration and moisture level, colligative ö They control various functional features, such as properties.
The type of glucose syrup and its amount of use determine the eating or drinking properties of sugar. It has a low molecular weight, such as glucose syrup. While saccharides give brittleness to the product, other higher saccharides present in the syrup give brittleness to the product. What chewability do they provide? The choice of glucose syrup also affects the shelf life of confectionery. also affects.
High DE glucose syrups are found in products such as toffee and caramel. fluidity while increasing it, glucose syrups with low DE They produce hard and more difficult to chew products.
The reasons why glucose syrups are added to products such as jam and marmalade are that they increase viscosity, increase fat content, and increase fat content. High osmotic pressure, prevention of crystal formation, improvement of taste and appearance and balanced They are sweetness properties.
Glucose syrups are used in bakery products. It is very widely used. In fermented products, syrups can be fermented by yeast, which also controls the texture of the product. Glucose syrups are a carbohydrate source for these products containing yeast. While the reducing sugars left over from fermentation cause the skin to brown in color, the higher sugars control the texture. It provides hair and gives softness to the product.
You ventilated like a cake. In bakery products, glucose syrup increases the effectiveness of albumin or gelatin in egg white. ;rır. Use of high DE glucose syrups drying the cakes with While it is prevented, humidity is also provided and therefore with shelf ölifeü it gets longer. In pie filling materials, the osmotic pressure of the product is increased. by controlling the moisture loss of the fruit. öprevents.
Glucose şsyrupsı It is generally used for coating desserts and increasing chewability. due to baseı It is used in various types of biscuits. These products provide color darkening, moisture retention, fermentability, sweetness with high DE content. and the taste is richerı It is preferred when requested. In biscuits, glucose is produced in syrups. It causes rapid color formation and shortens the shelf life. enhancer It protects the crunchiness by combining with its antioxidant effect.
Frozen glucose syrups Use in desserts It is very common. Glucose şsyrupsı crystallization and heavy total solidity without sweetness Increases matter. This allows natural flavorings to be detected in the product, balancing the flavor and controlling the overall sweetness level. provides.
Syrups containing high fructose are used to replace sugar in the soft drink industry.