SOFT : Super soft elephant plushy is made out of short velvet fabric that does not shed and will not fade. Extremely soft to the touch so that any baby will love. Your child will grow to love their new elephant friend!
LIGHT UP : Not only does the soft elephant plushy light up, it also plays music and sounds that your child will enjoy. Plays 12 classic songs along with making nature sounds and funny noises.
EDUCATION : Not only will your child love their new plushy, they'll be learning at the same time as playing! Learn the sounds of different animals, experience what musical notes sound like and much more!
اسم اللون
محتويات العلبة
Musical Toys
رقم الموديل
اسم الموديل
PowerTRC Plush Elephant Infant Toy | Baby Musical Toy for Kids 6 to 12 Months | Light Up Musical Fun Plushy for Kids