الميزات الأساسية- يمنع الأيض الهدمي للعضلات والذي يمثل ببساطةٍ تمزيق العضلات وتهديمها
- منتج يقلل الإصابة بالمرض/ العدوى عن طريق تقوية الجهاز المناعي
- منتج يعزز الأيض البنائي للعضلات، أي نمو العضلات في الأساس
- يفيد الجلوتامين في تعويض مستويات الجلوتامين المنخفضة نتيجةً للتدريب المكثف
- غير نباتي، الاستخدام بعد التمرين
نظرة عامةHigh Protein + Carb Blend. Banned Substance Tested + Gluten Free. Super Mass Gainer is Formulated for One Thing: Massive Gains. Take the Guesswork out of Calorie Intake. Gaining muscle mass and size can be very challenging, especially when you have a fast metabolism or find it difficult to consume enough calories and protein during the day. Super Mass Gainer is a high-quality mass and size gainer that is loaded with enough protein, BCAAs, calories, and other nutrients to help even the hardest gainers pack on mass and size. Unlike many other mass gainers out there, Super Mass Gainer also tastes delicious and has amazing mixability. Super Mass Gainer is a powerhouse combination of 10.9 grams BCAAs with 5.2 grams of Leucine and 1 gram of Creatine Monohydrate. Super Mass Gainer also has a blend of vitamins and minerals to aid in balanced nutrition. Available in a variety of delicious flavors, Super Mass Gainer is the perfect support for the most intense resistance training goals. Research and Development: Dymatize proteins are formulated based on the latest science and put to the test in university studies and at elite professional training facilities. Dymatize protein powders are always manufactured in GMP and Sport Certified facilities, meaning that all ingredients and final products are rigorously tested and validated clean and safe. They are banned substance tested for athletes' reassurance by Informed-Choice. Known worldwide for quality, taste and purity, Super Mass Gainer is made from high-quality ingredients and is produced to our highest quality standards.