Product Dimensions14"W x 20" D x 46"H, Weight: 16 lbs
Top TrayThe valet stand boasts a divided top tray with a soft felt lining, providing a stylish and practical way to store and organize a wide range of personal belongings. The tray is divided into sections, making it easy to keep your wallet, w
DrawerThe center drawer of the valet stand is a functional and attractive feature that provides additional storage space for your personal items. With its bronze hardware, the drawer adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the overall de
Contour HangerThe valet stand features a sleek and sturdy wooden contour hanger on the top, designed to securely hold your coats, suits, jackets, and shirts. This hanger is crafted with precision to provide a comfortable and attractive display
Trouser Bar & Tie BarsThe valet stand comes with a metal trouser bar, providing a convenient and secure way to hang your pants without worrying about them slipping or creasing. The trouser bar is crafted with precision and designed to hold your
Proman Products Milan Valet Stand with Drawer, Top Tray, Contour Hanger, Trouser Bar, Tie & Belt Hooks and Shoe Rack - VL16226