Perfect for your baby to make them comfortable while travelling, padded harness cushions and lower buckle cover for baby's comfort
Side impact protection, adjustable cover, washable and side impact protection gives optimal security against side impact
Deep, softly padded side winges, sun canopy offers optimum protection and extra fresh air, curved base allows for rocking and relaxing
3-point harness system with one pull adjustment, 3 adjustable and washable soft cover, the baby plus baby car seat keep your little one safely harnessed in this car seat while you drive feeling carefree
The booster cushion for the little ones, the wide and comfortable seat for the older and the easy reclining guarantee exceptional comfort at every stage of growth
اسم اللون
Fashion Gray
Baby Unisex
مقعد أمان لسيارة الأطفال حديثي الولادة لسيارة سلة الأطفال للنوم مع كرسي هزاز سلة يد محمول