وصف الكتاب | We all have it in us to be psychic. Although some are more sensitive than others, we can all learn how to release our potential with the help of the simple techniques and straightforward exercises that Billy Roberts has created, developed and refined in extensive workshops. Many of his methods are based on Eastern and metaphysical traditions, adapted so that they will appeal to those with a secular outlook, as well as to the more spiritual student - for whom the development of psychic abilities creates a greater realisation of the soul and its independence of the body. Psychic powers are, broadly speaking, those abilities for which contemporary science has no explanation. Clairvoyance, healing, precognition telepathy and mediumship are all examples of psychic abilities. These are skills which helped our prehistoric forebears communicate before the advent of speech. Psychic development is, therefore, not so much a case of receiving knowledge as of remembering what we have long since forgotten. |