الميزات الأساسية- تقتل ما يصل إلى 99.9% من الجراثيم بدون استعمال مواد كيميائية
- بفضل تكنولوجيا سمارت سلكت، يمكنك ضبط كمية البخار المناسبة للسطح بسهولة
- يزيل البقع المستعصية، الشحوم والأوساخ في ثوانٍ دون أي مخلفات كيميائية
- خفيف ومتين
نظرة عامةIt is simply designed to make your cleaning as simple as you wish, always convenient for different surfaces like shower screens, mirrors and stainless steel. Lighter and more powerful, this line lets you kill up to 99.9% of germs without the use of chemicals. Smart Select Technology makes it safe and simple to steam mop any kind of sealed hard flooring, including hardwood, tiles, vinyl and stone. With Smart Select, you can easily set the ideal amount of steam for the surface. For other surfaces like stainless appliances, glass doors and backsplashes, you can switch from mop to hand-held cleaner in seconds. Floors Will Dry In Seconds Due To Boiler Efficiency. To give you even more grime-cutting power, our new line of mops have 40% more steam. With more steam working for you, stubborn stains, grease and dirt lift off in seconds – with no chemical residue.