الميزات الأساسية- يساعد الطفل على تنظيف أسنانه بطريقة صحية
- معجون أسنان آمن للبلع وخالٍ من الفلورايد
- لا يحتوي على نكهات صناعية أو ألوان أو مواد حافظة
نظرة عامةNothing but clean teeth! Dr. Brown's Natural Baby toothpaste safely and effectively cleans. No fluoride. No artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. No worries if swallowed. Our natural baby toothpaste is a wholesome way to help your baby learn good dental hygiene. Plus, they'll love the real flavors of strawberry! Just add a pea-sized drop to an extra-soft bristled brush and with your help and supervision, teach them to use small circular motions on their teeth and gums, twice a day every day. Never leave your child unattended with toothbrush or toothpaste. Available in 1.4 oz tube. 0 - 3 years.