Academy Award winner for Best Animated Feature Film, Disney Encanto tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals who live in a charmed place called Encanto.
Teaches children about strengthening family bonds, perseverance, and being true to yourself.
Includes Mirabel toy character with 5 songs, 2 stories and total run time of approximately 58 minutes. Recommended Age Range: 3+, Language: English and Spanish.
Tracklist: Songs: 1) The Family Madrigal, 2) Surface Pressure, 3) We Don't Talk About Bruno, 4) What Else Can I Do?, 5) Dos Oruguitas. Stories: 6) Encanto, 7) Encanto (Spanish Version).
Requires Toniebox Audio Player to play audio; sold separately.
Tonies Mirabel Audio Play Character from Disney's Encanto