Full Spectrum Halogen Light - Full spectrum halogen light bulb simulate exposure to sunlight to provide your pet with the heat needed to grow. High UVB radiation, similar to natural desert environments where there is more direct sunlight.
4 Level Temperature Selection - Choose the best temperature according to the use environment.Timing temperature adjustment, set time for 2/4/8 hours.
Perfect Set - The lamp is perfect for reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals and more. The set includes a lamp and one 50 watt bulbs.
High Quality - Ceramic lamp head has a high temperature resistance and ensures high safety. (NOTE: the distance between the lamp and the pet is at least 20 cm).
UK Plug & EU Adapter - UK Plug with a EU Adapter, meet various plug needs.
مصباح حرارة السلحفاة UVA UVB، مصباح حراري 50 واط للزواحف والسلحفاة والكتاكيت والثعابين، حوامل مصابيح حرارة قابلة للتعديل مع توقيت وتخفيف درجة الحرارة