الميزات الأساسية- يعزز صحة القلب والبروستات
- يحتوي على مادة البروبيوتيك والإنزيمات الحية لدعم صحة عملية الهضم
- غني بالفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية لضمان صحةٍ مثالية
نظرة عامة
•ONE DAILY MEN'S: Specially formulated once daily men's multivitamin with prostate support made from nutritious and organic whole foods.
•MULTIVITAMIN WITH PROBIOTICS: Vitamin Code Raw One includes live probiotics and enzymes for extraordinary health and vitality.
•PROSTATE SUPPLEMENT: This multivitamin for men contains vitamin E, selenium, and zinc for prostate support.
•VITAMIN CODE MEN: Comprehensive whole food vitamin for prostate health, heart health, digestive support, healthy stress response, and eye health.
•RAW MULTIVITAMIN: Vegetarian, gluten free, and dairy free whole food multivitamins, with NO binders or fillers.