This is the set of balance bike and swing horse - you can easily split them in 3 seconds. This is the best toy for children to learn to walk and ride. It helps develop a baby's balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence early on
The stable triangular support reduces the center of gravity of the walker, making the chassis more stable and not easy to roll over, allowing children to move forward as they wish
Let the baby ride on the small horse, explore more of the world, it helps to develop young children's balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence in the early years
Male and female baby walkers can exercise the baby's balance ability and limit the movement space. Such as hearing, vision, touch, hand and leg muscles, to develop their imagination, hand-brain coordination.
This baby learning Walker is made of high-quality plastic, the rounded edges of the wheels protect your delicate floors and non-toxic paint, and this kids' activity walker is guaranteed to stand the test of time!
Model Number
2 in 1 Children's Rocking Horse,Kid's Ride on Toys,children's Balance Bike Toys