Daisy is also known as Malan flower head, marguerite, spring chrysanthemum, and gerbera. It is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Compositae.
Our daisy seeds are high-quality seeds that have been planted, tested and screened, and are fresh seeds with a high germination rate.
The daisy flowers are small and exquisite, lovable, simple in appearance, petite and exquisite, with harmonious colors, and have high ornamental value. The flower language of daisies is innocence, peace, hope, pure beauty and deep love in my heart.
Suitable for elderly and adult use-this kit is perfect for anyone who wants to get involved in planting and growing. Suitable for experienced and inexperienced gardeners.
Product Weight
50 g
What's In The Box
300Pcs Daisy Seeds
Item Quantity
يُعرف نبات الأقحوان أيضًا باسم زهرة مالان، والمارغريت، والأقحوان الربيعي، والجيربيرا. وهو نبات عشبي معمر ينتمي إلى الفصيلة المركبة.