OverviewPortfish BL3006 Rolling Swivel With Nice Snap Ball ROUND Clip-on swivel
Among the swivel products, Portfish branded products with a certain quality are highly preferred. Among the ball swivel products, Portfish BL3006 Rolling Swivel With Nice Snap Ball Rapala Clip product is among the most preferred fishing equipment. As our company, we provide professional service in hunting equipment, fishing equipment, camping equipment and shooting equipment etc.
No: 1 - there are 8 pieces in the package.
No: 2 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 3 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 4 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 5 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 6 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 7 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 8 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 10 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 12 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 14 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 1/0 - there are 10 pieces in the package.
No: 2/0 - there are 5 pieces in the package. It has a 48 kg towing capacity.
No: 3/0 - there are 5 pieces in the package. It has a 60 kg load.
No: 4/0 - there are 3 pieces in the package. It has a towing capacity of 84 kg.