Book Description | Deconstructing Depression Patterns By Michael D. Yapko ... Depression is a disorder that can strike anyone at any age. Young children and grandparents, men and women, teenagers in the midst of school crises, or middle-aged executives with a long history of success and achievement. Depression cuts through all barriers, making its victims miserable and robbing them of joy and contentment. The power of depression lies in its ability to make you feel that nothing you do will ever bring you back a sense of peace or contentment with life. And herein lies the great secret about depression: it is a sheep in wolf's clothing. But it can be treated effectively, and the effects of treatment can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. The book you are holding in your hands now, dear reader, has a clear purpose: it will help you understand depression, begin to heal from its effects, and show you how to defeat it. While real depression causes untold pain and suffering, there is hope. Yes, depression is a cruel and unforgiving enemy, but there are weaknesses within it, and this book effectively equips you to attack those weaknesses. Show less |