Book Description | The Communication Skills Handbook for Accounting, 2nd edition has been designed to develop the written and oral communication skills of university accounting students. The authors introduce successful approaches to researching, writing and referencing, and review the main problems accounting students are likely to encounter when preparing and presenting reports, essays and other work for assessment.The handbook, which reflects the recommendations of the sixth edition of the Style Manual, covers specialist requirements for accounting assignments, including: * Referencing accounting standards and pronouncements * Writing and presenting guidelines for accounting topics * Tailoring writing to an accounting audience The objectives of this handbook are: * To provide students with guidelines that are consistent across their university studies and to outline the minimum requirements for formal presentation of written and verbal assignments * To assist university staff to apply a consistent approach to the assessment of formally presented written and verbal material by students, irrespective of university, department, course or level of study * To reinforce among students the view that communication skills are an integral component of their studies and essential to their careers, rather than optional skills isolated from their chosen disciplines |