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Crimes Against Nature paperback english - 38991

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PublisherPenguin Books Ltd
AuthorRobert F. Kennedy
Book SubtitleStanding Up To Bush And The Kyoto Killers Who Are Cashing In On Our World
Book DescriptionAn impassioned, excoriating account of how Bush and big business are plundering the environment - and raking in the profits. Robert F. Kennedy, one of the world's most prominent environmental lawyers, charges the White House with the crime of pursuing private profit and personal power at the expense of clean air, clean water and live wildlife, enriching the President's pals while lowering the quality of life for the rest of us. Kennedy lifts the lid on an administration whose policies have looted American money, helped its most notorious polluters and deceived its public. He shows how, in a cabinet that boasts more CEOs than any in history, industry lobbyists wield an unprecedented influence on policy; how the government has rolled back key environmental laws and suppressed reports on issues like global warming while covering up its true agenda with clever PR; how Bush preaches individualism yet doles out lavish subsidies to the energy barons; and how everyone's health and security worldwide are being sacrificed at the altar of profit. Written in the belief that there's another way, Crimes Against Nature powerfully makes the case for democracy against the corrosive effects of corporate corruption.
About the AuthorRobert F. Kennedy is longtime defender of clean air, clean water and living wildlife. He is currently senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defence Council; chief prosecuting attorney for Riverkeeper (helping protect the Hudson River in New York); and president of Waterkeeper Alliance (promoting clean water and fighting pollution).
Publication Date38991
Number of Pages256

Crimes Against Nature paperback english - 38991

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